It's A KETCHUP Day: Part 1

WOW, OH WOW! Last month was so jammed packed that I completely neglected the blog. Don't you fret though, I'll catch you up. I signed on to this super neat website called

to see what it was all about. Boy, did I see. This site is for teachers who need funds for certain projects. I posted a rather large order for books I wanted to use in our classroom and guess what...THE FUNDS CAME IN! Thanks to a few very gracious donors, we were able to get 20 books to start an art library. These books spark the children's imaginations as well as my own when it comes time to think up a new project. So here is my loot (plus a few of what I already owned)!
A few of my favorite titles!

My next upload will highlight a very special project based off of one of my new books. Here's a hint: it will be very INsightful! :)
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