Off the Cart >> Into the Classroom

The title says it all, right? I am so thrilled and excited to be on this new adventure! I am now teaching at the only gifted and talented school in my hometown. There are so many wonderful changes and adaptations that it keeps the school, the students and the teachers all wide-eyed with excitement!

Before we jump into our curriculum and projects, I thought I would show you our classroom! It is bright and colorful...and of course, organized in color wheel formation! Without further adieu...welcome to our ART ROOM!

Our room is set up with the students' success in mind! Our table are in color wheel order: red, orange, yellow, blue, green and purple. You can see that each table has a cart which stores their tables' art materials for their projects. In the back you can see our "Google board" where I 'post' questions to the students. At the end of their lesson, the students write their answer to the question and 'post it' on post-its (clever right!?) to the Google board. 

I have waited SO LONG to have this little area! Remember our books that we recieved from our Donors Choose project!? Well now I have an easily accessible place to store them so students can read them any time they want! In our "Creative Corner" we also have mini-challenges that students can complete if they finish their project early. They can practice their glue, scissors, coloring and sculpting skills. Eventually I will expand this area, but for now, it serves its' purpose! 

There is definetly more to show--but I'll save that for another day! Thanks for stopping by!


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