Elements of Art: Shape and Line

Hello students, parents and fellow teachers! I have been swamped all weekend with homework (for my MAT program...yes students, I also have homework!), classwork for the upcoming week, and of course I didn't miss my Razorback game! WPS! But nevertheless, I will make this post before we start the new week.

So what did we learn last week? We learned about line and how line can create shapes, pictures, and and cool designs! 

For my Kindergartners, we went back over our colors because color played a big part in this weeks project. So here is a review for you guys...

This is my "color" poster that I used in all my classes, K-5th. Remember I'm on a cart, so I do not have boards (other than the two I've already shown you that are in the main hallway of our school). I went to Home Depot (again!) and got these awesome paint chips, because lets be honest, no sharpie could produce that a color...not to mention all the different shades. The black triangle points to the primary colors and the dotted points to the secondary (I introduced these concepts to my little ones, but in no way expect them to remember it...they don't technically learn that until the 2nd grade). I know you get it!

So for K we practiced drawing our shapes and for 1st we drew different types of line. I don't have an example of my Kindergartners work, but here are two outstanding works from my 1st graders! We did "Me and Line" self-portraits where we used line to draw ourselves! Before we started, we all met on the carpet and I let the students come up and practice their lines on the Smartboard. They LOVED it! I did this project step-by-step with them so it would not add confusion. So here is my end work on the Smartboard followed my two of my students work.


Aren't they adorable?! I was so proud! As you can see, we drew a huge "dot" for our face, a "thin line" for our necks, a "thick line" for our bodies, a "tapered line" for our arms and legs, "curly lines" for our feet, "dotted lines" for our arms", "zig zag lines" for our fingers and a "curved line" for our smiles. Did I miss one? I hope not! To finish off our work, they had to draw as many different types of line around their self-portrait. I know it is a little hard to read from the yellow handwriting on the left (you can see it on the right) that each student had to write "Me and Line." We also did our letters together, but I think they turned out wonderful!

My 2nd and 3rd graders had a slightly harder task, but I knew they were up for it! I knew they had already been introduced to the different types of lines in previous years so I had them take that knowledge and creativity one step further. We made LANDSCAPES out of line! Here is my example coupled with the poster board I made for this lesson.

We went over these on the smart board in the 2nd grade classes, but my 3rd graders had it down (and rightfully so! They've had more practice!). While all my 2nd and 3rd graders did a wonderful job, here are two that I've chosen to highlight!

                      They had to use 6 types of line!

                            Can you find them all?

Great work guys! Now finally for my 4th and 5th graders...we did something similar to the younger kids in that we also did landscapes using line. However, we used line to show depth and perspective. We also included a play on warm versus cool colors. Here is the review poster and the teacher example: 


So what do you think? Does it look complicated? Nooooo, I can promise you it isn't. My students were a little afraid (go on guys, admit it) but once we got started and I walked them through it, it was painless! Here are two works that I particularly enjoyed:

This lovely work was
done by a 5th grader!

This one was
done by a 4th grader!

So this was our week! I hope y'all liked it! I am certainly one proud art teacher. Let's see how they handle PATTERN this week when we make portfolios! To wrap up this entry, I will leave you with this...here is our first "art installment" in the MMA! (Notice the "name plates" we made the first week of school. Real nameplates for a real museum!) :)


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