Project: Portfolio!

I wish I could say this post will be riddled with fabulously beautiful pictures, but alas, it won't be. I somehow made it to Friday without taking a single picture. Woops! I can promise I will be a better picture taker this week :)

Last week we started making our portfolios! The portfolio (or "art pocket" as my young ones call it) is made out of poster board...perfect for coloring, picture making and doodling! We only drew on one side this week because we were saving the other side for this week! Two in one project, gotta love it! On the first side the students (1st-5th) had to write their name and art portfolio using all the colors we have been talking about....

Then they had to incorporate line and shape! They could have done this in their letters or in their drawing. Here are some of the lines we learned!

After they wrote out their names and "art portfolio" I asked them to draw pictures. ANY pictures. It is no surprise that I haven't memorized all of their names, even though I have been trying my absolute hardest! 460 students...that's a lot of names! So because I am a visual learner, I asked them to draw anything they like. Think of this like a free assignment. The kids loved it! I will definitely be instructing more free drawing in the future. It is so amazing to see how their minds work and what their creativity comes up with! 

This week, as I said, we are doing the backs of their portfolio. We are now getting into the Principles of Design with Pattern, so stay tuned!!


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